AD TAG — aka endpoint, publisher feed or source represents a single endpoint to which a publisher must send bid requests. Each publisher is assigned one or more feeds depending on the type of traffic they send to Zeropark; integration type, visitors inventory, vertical settings, or other justified reasons.
Publishers can create new Ad Tags in their Zeropark panel. Since newly created Ad tags must be approved by the Zeroaprk Team before the traffic is sent, our Publisher Account Managers can also set them for you.
BID — the average price that the buyer (in that case advertiser) is offering to pay for a visitor (offered by publishers). Bids come on a CPV (visit) or a CPC (click) basis depending on the traffic type. The highest bid win and receives the visit/click.
BRAND CATALOG API — API created specifically for fetching details on active Commerce Media campaigns. It is recommended to poll the API periodically (at least once every hour) in order to keep the most recent information about brand demand available on the Zeropark platform.
BRAND DEMAND API — API designed specifically for fetching details on active Commerce Media campaigns. This API takes into consideration user's device and geolocation.
CALL — aka request or query represents a signal sent by publishers to Zeroapark informing there’s a visit/click offered to be sold.
COST MODEL — agreed way of bidding for user clicks/visits depending on the traffic type.
CPC — aka Cost Per Click represents a cost model, where the payout is valid only if a user clicks on a delivered ad.
CPV — aka Cost Per Visit represents a cost model used for Pop and Domain campaigns, where the payout is valid for each time user views a delivered ad.
CPM — aka Cost Per Mille represents a thousand CPV.
ENDPOINT — see Ad Tag above.
FALLBACK — represents a URL provided by publishers where any unsold or unvalidated traffic should be sent back. Extra tokens may also be added to a fallback URL for more precise data tracking.
FEED — see Ad Tag above
LANGUAGE/FORMAT — standardized text formats used in programmatic advertising (developed and supported by IAB) for transmitting data between servers. It allows for custom integrations and the use of parameters. Formats/languages include XML, JSON and OpenRTB.
JSON — see Language/Format above.
OpenRTB — Language/Format
POSTBACK — represents a URL provided by publishers where information about every visit sold by Zeropark is sent. Publishers may track this kind of data outside of the Zeropark platform and need to be informed when a sold visit occurs.
RESPONSE — represents a message returned by Zeropark (including bid and other ad information) to a call/request/query made by publishers when a visit/click is offered for sale.REQUEST — see Call above.
QUERY — see Call above.
RTB — aka Real-Time Bidding represents a real-time auction model used in programmatic advertising to compete for ad impressions in real-time.
SOURCE — see Ad Tag above
TARGET — see Ad Tag above
XML — Language/Format