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Step 2: Explore Dashboard

The Zeropark dashboard is the first view you see when you log in. Here you can find a summary of all relevant details for the selected time range of Redirect traffic type.

  • Raw - number of requests sent by Publisher
  • Sellable - the number of visits that have passed Zeropark's internal filters and are available for purchase by Advertisers
  • Sold - number of sold visit
  • Revenue - generated payout
  • CPM - average cost per mile (1000 views)
The Dashboard View

The dashboard is divided into the following sections:

Graph – shows overall traffic and revenue statistics.
Tabular data – shows more granular performance data per feeds, keywords, devices, targets (domain/subid), and countries.

To select a different time range, click the “Time range” dropdown menu and select one of the predefined options or set your own custom time range.

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