Commerce Media Domestic Direct URL integration
Direct URL integration:
- Feed languages: XML
- Bid Format: CPC
- Auction: Internal only
The Direct URL integration model allows publishers to send traffic directly to Zeropark servers. Since there is no external auction, Zeropark bids do not compete with other advertisers, ad exchanges, or DSPs. Publishers cannot decide in real time whether to sell the visit based on the returned bid. Publisher payout for a visitor is determined based on the winning campaign’s bid and the minimal CPM/CPC if provided. Traffic that Zeropark does not buy is sent back to the publisher’s fallback URL declared in the request or set in the feed’s setup.
[domain] | URL | URL of the site where the user was generated. Required parameter. |
[domainid] | External Publisher ID/App ID/ Side ID | ID of the site where the user was generated. Domainid is not required if the domain parameter is provided. |
[brand] | Brand URL | i.e.: |
[feedid] | Feed ID | Zeropark's unique ID assigned to the feed. |
[url]* | Product URL | *Used when integrating Deeplink. Product URL information usually consists of the website's domain name followed by a unique product identifier, such as a product code or name. This must be instead of |
[originurl] | URL | Source of generating the click, i.e. the referrer; |
[fallbackurl] | URL | When the visit is invalid or unsold, the visitor will be sent to the fallback URL provided by the publisher in the request. If this parameter is not provided, the visitor will be redirected to the brand url. On Deeplink, information about fallback is taken from the url parameter. In the fallback parameter, the URL should start with "https://" and it is also possible to add additional parameters. |
[publassifications] | i.e. tiles, coupon | The information sent under this parameter helps to divide different placement categories in our system. Value mapping along with a list of categories available in Zeropark is necessary. |
[cpm] | e.g.: $5 CPM = $0.005 CPC | Minimal CPM set by publishers expressed in USD. |
Request example:{domain}?feedid=<feedid>&brand=<brand>