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Types of Traffic Targeting

Zeropark offers various traffic targeting options. They are available after selecting the ad format during the campaign creation process.

  • RON targeting — This option targets all traffic coming from a selected GEO. If a new source appears in this GEO, your campaign will start buying traffic from this new source as well.
  • Source — This option targets traffic coming from a single source publisher, that usually consists of multiple targets. You need to provide a list of sources for this campaign to start receiving traffic.
  • Targets targeting — This option targets a single website or websites. You need to provide a list of targets for this campaign to start receiving traffic.
  • Keyword targeting — This option targets traffic that contains a certain keyword or keywords. You need to provide a list of keywords for this campaign to start receiving traffic.
  • Multi-GEO — This option allows you to target several GEOs at once. If a new source appears in one of the selected GEOs, your campaign will start buying traffic from this new source as well.
  • Placement Categories– in Commerce Media and Deeplink, a set of categories based on media and/or placement type offered by the Publisher

Please note that not all targeting options are available for each ad format. Here’s a list of possible combinations:

  • Pop: RON, Source, Target, Keyword, Multi-GEO
  • Domain: RON, Source, Target, Keyword, Multi-GEO
  • Commerce Media: RON, Target, Search, Keyword.

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