About Category
Coupon sites are a broad name for a spectrum of placements within the Zeropark Commerce Media supply that focus on consumer price research. Coupon applications and websites are media that nurture online users during the last steps of their consumer journey, facilitating the final decision.
Consumers visit Coupon sites and apps to seek the optimal opportunity to spend. Thus, these publishers offer highly motivated consumers aware of their shopping needs.
For e-commerce brands (D2C and marketplaces) it is a chance to:
- Be visible in brand-safe placements along the modern shopping journey
- Reach motivated consumers looking for brands and products
- Increase brand presence at all stages of the sales funnel
- Get ahead of the competition outside of the black box, mainstream SERP pages
Placements available in Coupon Zeropark Commerce Media Category
Note that the available selection comprises only household names and proven industry entities. With careful selection and compliance processes, Zeropark Commerce Media provides only high-quality yield for advertisers.For more information about specific placements, reach out to your Account Manager.
Zeropark Commerce Media Coupon Category is a collection of high-profile websites and applications that comprise coupons and deals such as RetailMeNot VoucherGains CapitalOne Couponfollow And many more!
Zeropark Commerce Media ecosystem and supply are constantly growing. Therefore, you may expect some publisher placements to be added to the category.
Because of the specific UI, design systems, and technical solutions, different publishers within one category will display the placements in different forms. However, the tech behind the solution remains unchanged, and the only differences are due to achieving maximum user comfort within publishers’ online ecosystem.