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Commerce Media

Zeropark Commerce Media is part of our Commerce Media ecosystem that allows brands, advertisers, and media buyers to deliver brand-safe and highly motivated audiences to the offer.

The formats are fully blended with the user interface of the publisher’s website, search engine, application, and more, enhancing users’ product discovery. On top of that, the brand suggestions are 100% based on the user’s shopping intent without utilizing cookies or third-party data. Zeropark's supply is a chance to deliver relevant advertising to customers based on their intent. For advertisers, this means skipping the competition inside mainstream SERP pages with non-transparent CPCs.

Commerce Media allows redirecting users directly to the brand’s website.

Commerce Mediais a comprehensive Zeropark supply name that you may remember as "Search Marketplace". The new name was introduced with the Placement Categories, as it better reflects the nature of our offering.

Discover the Placement Categories available in Zeropark Commerce Media Advertising:

Commerce Media is based entirely on matching the detected or anticipated user intent (analyzed through cookieless first-party publisher data). In placements from publishers offering broad keyword suggestions (i.e. “running shoes”), multiple relevant brands could be shown.

Zeropark does not allow advertisers to bid for trademark keywords that are not related to the brand that their offer is subject to. This is done to ensure that no trademark bidding occurs in campaigns supplied by Zeropark.

Commerce Media Integration

For publishers who want to integrate their search traffic supply with the Zeropark ad network, we enable the following integration types:

Drive incremental
performance to
your brand