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Bid Hierarchy

Zeropark recognizes a certain hierarchy order when it comes to bids. Please remember about it when you plan your bidding strategy. The broadest bid type is on the campaign level.

Zeropark Commerce Media Bid Hierarchy.

This means that: 

  • Setting a campaign bid applies it to all its sources, categories, and targets 
  • Setting a custom source bid applies it to all its categories and targets 
  • Setting a custom category bid applies it to all its targets 


  • A custom target bid is prioritized over category, source, and campaign bids
  • A custom category bid is prioritized over source and campaign bids 
  • A custom source bid is prioritized over a campaign bid 


  • The campaign bid is set at $0.9. In the same campaign, a custom source bid for porraceous-wild was set at $0.65. Hence, all categories and targets within porraceous-wild will have a bid of $0.65, and the rest will have a bid of $0.9.

  • The campaign bid is set at $0.7. In the same campaign, a custom bid for Commerce Content category was set at $0.45. All Commerce Content targets within this campaign will bid for $0.45, while the remaining categories will bid for $0.70.  

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