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Media Planner

The Media Planner is a feature built into the Zeropark platform that allows access to granular data regarding the available audience supply per brand. Such insights may be especially useful during campaign planning, creation, and optimization stages.

Zeropark Media Planner offers live supply insights, including:

Zeropark Media Planner takes into account data for the previous 3 days, including the current one. For this reason, the presented values can differ and fluctuate dynamically. Once a campaign is created, always check the win ratio in the campaign Dashboard.

Media Planner guide

Open the 'media planner' tab in the Dashboard menu.

Commerce Media

1. In the search bar, type in your desired brand URL or brand name. You do not need to include the exact homepage, but make sure to spell the brand name without errors or mistakes. Zeropark has implemented a broad search feature that allows you to find all the available domains.

Once you search for ‘brand’ in our Media Planner search bar, you’ll receive all the available domains with the brand name, ie. ‘’.

2. You can insert multiple brand names and/or domains in the search bar. There is no upper limit on the number of these. You can also use a Brand Bulk Search field to paste the names from any lists or .xls files.

3. Use the Category dropdown to filter out the Placement Categories of Zeropark supply

4. Choose the country from a dropdown list.

5. Media Planner gives you the list of available supply (clicks) per country with information about the average CPC.

6. You can export the data by clicking on the download icon on the right.

7. Upon clicking on the magnifying glass icon, you’ll receive a granular list of sources available for a given brand’s audience.

8. There, you will see values presented per specific source placement, including the Available clicks, Average CPC and CPC win ratio (for the average CPC)

9. You can use this data during campaign planning and creation.

10. To start creating a campaign per specific brand from the Media Planner view click the ‘New campaign’ button.

11. You’ll be then redirected to a campaign creation form with your selected ad format, brand, country, and bid already prefilled based on the data you filtered inside the Media Planner feature.

Campaign bids won’t be automatically filled in the campaign creation form unless provided as a simulated bid in the Media Planner feature.

Targets tab

Upon changing a tab to "Target", you can access granular target-level data and information about specific feeds. Simply paste your chosen target name in the search bar to discover an all-around package of insights.

The "Target" tab shows you the following targeting options:Country 🌎Device 📱 🖥️

All actionable insights on the target level:

  • Names of brands available for the target
  • Available clicks: Available audience supply per brand, country, and device.
  • Avg CPC: Average Cost-Per-Click for a specific brand.
  • Win ratio: An estimate of a portion of the available brand audience that will be won with Avg CPC.

Deeplink tab

Open the Deeplink tab in the Media Planner to access insights regarding audiences for product traffic.

- Deeplink inventory available in Zeropark allows brand keyword targeting only (e.g. Deeplink does not allow broad or product keyword targeting (e.g. “running shoes”).

The Deeplink section shows you the following targeting options:

  • Country
  • Device

And insights on:

  • Available clicks: Available audience supply per brand, country, and device.
  • Avg CPC: Average Cost-Per-Click for a specific brand.The number of sources.
  • CPC win ratio: An estimate of a portion of the available audience that an average bid value wins.
  • Win ratio: An estimate of a portion of the available brand audience that will be won with Avg CPC.

Media Planner API

Zeropark Media Planner API is now available for all the Zeropark Commerce Media users. You can find it in the API Documentation in the My Account section of the Dashboard.

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