Account Manager
In Zeropark, Account Managers are people who help Zeropark clients make the most of our platform and support them with insightfuldata.
Ad exchange
An ad exchange is a platform that facilitates media advertising space buying by connecting Demand-Side Platforms with Supply-Side Platforms.
Ad network
Ad networks serve as traffic sources for advertisers, as they are the exact place where advertisers are able to meet publishers. Adnetworks like Zeropark constantly work on their ad space inventory so that more and more brands and advertisers can promote their campaigns with biggervolumes. These networks are crucial in the matter of how they automate the process of traffic buying as well as precise targeting ofthe campaigns for chosen audiences.
Adult campaigns are offers that are designed for adults only and only target them. In Zeropark, all the advertisers are obliged touse the adult campaign filter for this kind of campaign. if the filter is not on, then the campaign will be rejected.
Adult filtering
The setting that dictates whether your ads will display on adult sites only, non-adult sites only, or on both.
Advertisers are the party that buys the traffic needed for ad display. Therefore, an advertiser could be either the brand that ownsan advertised service or an affiliate who is conducting campaigns in order to make money based on how many conversions they provide.
A general set of activities that are conducted with the purpose of promoting a brand, engaging users, or boosting sales. There aredifferent formats in the advertising industry – from more classic to modern, programmatic, and efficient online ads.
An affiliate is an advertiser who does not profit directly from the sales. advertisers earn money by providing optimized campaignsand receiving a commission for each conversion they provide. Based on the advertising model, their rewards may be calculated ondifferent payment models: CPC, Cost Per View, CPM, CPL, CPI, CPS, and CPA.
Android Application Package
Mobile applications installing format for Android-based users.
Offers that are designed to provide leads for antivirus software. In Zeropark, these can not have any false information in them, sothat the audiences are not misled.
Application Programming Interface
API allows different programs to exchange information with each other. In Zeropark to use it, a user is required to obtain APIaccess token that needs to be sent in the HTTPS header.
Average Order Value
Helps better understand consumer behaviors by indicating how much an average purchaser spends.
Bids are what define which advertiser will beable to place their ad in an auctioned ad space. Advertisers provide ad exchanges with information as to how high they are ready topay for an impression.
Bid too low, and your competition will outperform you. That is why it is always a good practice to control traffic volumes for acampaign and track all the changes and fluctuations in order to adjust the bids.
Bid position
A number that shows the advertiser’s estimated position in an auction. It is given in comparison with competition within Zeropark. Avaluable source of information about what effects to expect and whether an affiliate should adjust their bid. Number 1 means thatyou’re the top bidder.
Black Hat
Untrustworthy and not legit marketing practices.
A blacklist serves as a way to block variables within an affiliate’s campaigns. A once-created blacklist applies to every campaign set up by an affiliate. In Zeropark, anaffiliate can blacklist sources, targets, keywords, OS (operating systems), ļ (InternetService Providers), as well as GEOs.
Bot traffic
Bot traffic is traffic that is artificial and cannot provide real conversions. It is useless for advertisers as there are nopotential returns behind it. Zeropark filters these volumes out, and by monitoring what is provided to advertisers, disposes of bottraffic.
Call to Action
A Call to Action is exactly what the name suggests. A good CTA boosts the campaign’s performance by boosting customers’ engagementand drawing their attention.
The desired Action differs depending on the offer and conversion type needed.
Campaign budget
A campaign budget is the total amount that you allocate to one campaign.
Cash On Delivery
A customer can pay for his purchase upon delivery, and not before that.
Churn rate
Also: customer churn. This rate presents how many users have decided to discontinue using services, products or have lost interest and exited theconversion funnel.
Click-Through Rate
A Click-Through Rate allows marketers to determine the effectiveness of an ad. It presents how many people clicked on theadvertisement or landing page in comparison with how many people had it displayed on their screens.
A referral fee is an affiliate advertiser’s reward for conducting a successful campaign. Of course, any advertiser’s goal is for thecommission revenues to exceed the total ad spend for the campaign.
Compliance Guidelines
Zeropark has developed a set of Policy & Compliance Guidelines that determine what could be included in advertiser’s campaigns. They determine what contents are prohibited, as well as whichpractices are not accepted. This includes all the malware being potentially dangerous to users and their devices, violent depiction,trademark infringement, and many more. To make sure that a campaign follows Zeropark Compliance Guidelines, an affiliate should getaccustomed to Zeropark documentation on that topic.
Content Delivery Network
Landing page hosting.
Contextual targeting
Targeting audience members based on the context ofthe websites they are viewing, the shows they are watching, etc. This creates a safe environment for advertisements to becomecontextually relevant, boosting the possibility of being noticed by a potential contextually-interested audience member.
Conversion capping
If you’re passing on the conversion data you’ll have the option to enable conversion capping. Some offers andaffiliate networks set a limit on how many conversions they accept per day and switching on the conversion capping makes sureaffiliate marketers don’t overpay for unwanted conversions.
Conversion delay
As conversions often aren’t attributed instantly, you can extend the conversion window so the RBO algorithms wait additional time before taking action.
Conversion Rate
The conversion rate shows advertisers how effective their campaign is. It measures how many people engaged with an ad in an expectedway. The engagement could be understood by sales, registrations, form completions, installs, etc. Conversions are the most important factor of an affiliate’s earnings, so therefore it is highly important to have control over how manyconversions occur within bought traffic. If the CR is too low, then it means that a campaign might be poorly-optimized.
Conversions are the purpose of creating a campaign. This could be either sales, registrations, downloads, or any other preferreduser engagement. A conversion rate is one of the key indicators of how well is the campaign performing.
Cookies enable websites to access their users’ data and online behaviors. There have been some serious concerns over privacy issuesconnected to third-party data handling, and that is why cookies are due to be discarded. Zeropark is a platform that operatescompletely without cookies, and therefore is compliant with users’ privacy preferences.
Cost Per Action
This model rewards advertisers only if the desired conversion (sales, form filling, registration, download, etc.) happens.
Cost Per Click
Cost per click is a cost model in which you pay for each visitor who click on an ad.
Cost Per Engagement
A model where an engagement with an ad is being rewarded. For some formats (like expandable hover ads) this means that a user needsto spend at least 2 seconds engaged with the displayed advertisement for an affiliate to be rewarded with a commission.
Cost Per Install
An affiliate is rewarded for every install that his campaign provides.
Cost Per Lead
A type of action-based cost model. An affiliate receives a commission only when his campaigns bring conversions in form of leads.
Cost Per Mille
A model which rewards advertisers for every thousand impressions they provide with their campaign.
Cost Per Order
An affiliate is rewarded every time his campaign brings conversions in form of new orders.
Cost Per Sale
With a succesful CPS campaign an affiliate is rewarded for every sale that they provide.
Cost Per Viewable Mille
CPVM model has been developed to fairly treat those advertisers whose ads are displayed on websites but are not visible to users,for example, because of being Below the Fold. Technically, these kinds of visits should be counted as impressions, but as they have not been displayed on the recipient’sscreen, they are not counted in the classic CPM model.
Creatives are visual representations of advertisements. This is the end product of a campaign that reaches the audience and its solepurpose is to attract conversions.
Cryptocurrencies / Non-Fungible Tokens
Vertical focused on blockchain offers – cryptocurrencies and Non-Fungible Tokens. Designed for technologically-competent people whoare literate with these solutions.
Custom bids
You can specify a custom bid for each target and source in RON and Target/Source campaigns. Increase the bids on the targets/sourcesthat bring you good results. Lower the bids on underperforming ones.
Customer Acquisition Cost
The cost associated with convincing a website visitor to become a customer for your product/service.
Daily cap
Determines how much could be spent daily on a given campaign.
Dating vertical
One of the most popular verticals in some GEOs. See Traffic Insights for suggestions asto how to target dating campaigns.
Day-parting lets you run your campaigns only inspecified time windows. You can tick (off) certain days and hours according to a timezone of your choice. When the boxes respondingto given hours or days are ticked, your campaign will be buying traffic.
Demand-Side Platform
In marketing, that is the platform that provides advertisers and brands with the possibility to connect to a Supply-Side.Advertisers are therefore able to bid for ad space.
Destination URL
Arguably the most important thing in the setup. This is the field where you input the URL of the site you’re promoting, whetheryou’re using a landing page or going with direct offer linking. In other words, this is the site that will load on your adrecipient’s screen.
Device Targeting
Narrowing the campaigns down to specifically chosen device types, either mobile ordesktop. This is a tool to optimize the campaigns more efficiently and access only the best-converting audience.
Direct Carrier Billing
A customer pays for his purchases with his phone bill. The cost is most usually added to their abonament.
Domain traffic
This is short for domain redirect traffic. When a user types in a URL of a parked domain (for example by misspelling), and it belongs to one of our publishers, they willget redirected to your landing page.
Double Opt In
A conversion that requires customer to complete two steps before finishing with the conversion. For example: providing credit cardinformation first, and only then completing the order.
Campaigns with the purpose of offering the audience a chance to download software for their device.
One of the top verticals focused on selling goods online. Heavily competitive.
Earning Per Mille
Indicator of earnings per every 1000 impressions.
Earnings Per Click
Indicator of how much returns does a campaign bring for every click, or most usually, every 100 clicks.
Effective Cost Per Action
Metric of the effectiveness of the campaign conducted in the Cost Per Action model.
Effective Cost Per Click
Metric of the effectiveness of the campaign conducted in the Cost Per Click model.
Effective Cost Per Install
Metric of the effectiveness of the campaign conducted in the Cost Per Install model.
Effective Cost Per Lead
Metric of the effectiveness of the campaign conducted in the Cost Per Lead model.
Effective Cost Per Mille
Metric of the effectiveness of the campaign conducted in the Cost Per Mille model.
Effective Cost Per View
Metric of the effectiveness of the campaign conducted in the Cost Per View model.
First Time Deposit
A first top-up. In Zeropark top-ups can beproceeded via traditional wire transfer, credit card or PayPal. The minimym amount is $200, and it’s nonrefundable.
Community Forums are a great place for advertisers to discuss market insights, get inspired, and understand the industry’sspecificities. It’s a platform for fruitful affiliate-to-affiliate interaction and accessing user-generated content.
Frequency filter
Frequency filtering determines the time that has to elapse before a unique visitor sees your ad again. The default setting is 30 minutes, but you canalso turn it off completely or set it at 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, or 24 hours. The higher thevalue, however, the less total traffic you will buy.
A vertical with all casino offers. Although they are allowed in Zeropark, advertisers need to remember about legislation indifferent GEOs, as campaigns will not be approved if they are not compliant with the gambling guidelines.
This is the country you are running your campaign in.
Targeting audiences based on their location.This helps better optimize campaigns based on language preferences, consumer preferences, and overall market lookout.
The total number of times that the ad is displayed.
Intent-based targeting
Finding those users who are already conversion-driven. If a campaign targets sales, intent-based targeting allows it to put a majorfocus on finding people wanting to make a purchase.
Keyword campaign
Keyword campaigns allow you to align yourads with the content of the website they will appear on. For Pop traffic, these keywords either are tied to the content of the site(including the meta tags) or are simply the URL of the website serving the ads.
Landing Page
A landing page, or a lander, is a part of the online marketing funnel. It is placed between an ad and an actual offer. Landing pagesare boosting conversions, as could be used to better present offers. They are also another place where an advertiser could convincehesitant audience members to engage with an advertised product or service.
Lifetime Value
A value of how much it is estimated for a customer to spend with a company during their lifetime.
Manual Approval
In order to maintain the highest level of advertising, the Zeropark team manually approves all the campaigns from every advertiser before they are published. All the campaigns need to be compliant with Zeropark Compliance and Policy Guidelines.
Multi-Factor Authentication
An authentification on more than one level that eneables increased security of accounts.
Multi-Geo campaigns are like RON campaigns (broad targeting) but for multiple GEOs. Forinstance, you can get all the traffic from the US and Canada.
Native Ad
Native ads are incorporated into surrounding content to resemble it. Therefore, those are the ads that seem like genuine articles ornews materials.
One of the most popular verticals that focuses on health and suplementation products.
Onboarding Manager
An Onboarding Manager is a ZeroparkEmployee who is responsible for supporing newly-registered advertisers. Onboarding period lasts for 30 days, and within it, anaffiliate has a chance to get to understand the affiliate mechanisms and the specificality of Zeropark platform.
A wide term describing all the steps that an affiliate can make tonarrow down their camapaigns in order to boost its efficiency (Conversion Rate), and the ROI as well. Optimization should be doneafter a careful an in-depth analysis of information received during campaign-running. After determinig which sources and targets donot bring expected and satisfactory results, the best strategy would be to delete them from the campaign, so that they do notconsume budget.
An advertiser can pause the whole campaign for as long as they want to. Targets and sources could be paused as well. Pausing acampaign or a certain element of it does not discard it, and the pause could always be withdrawn.
Shows how much money you made with your ads. The payout can be passed dynamically in postback URL or can be set up manually for allconversions for a particular campaign.
Pop traffic
Pop traffic comes in the form of pop-ups and pop-unders. Means that yourdestination page will display either as a new window/tab on top of a currently browsed tab or beneath it. Pop ads are triggeredautomatically by our publishers’ websites or toolbars/extensions installed by users.
Pop unders
Pop unders appear as a new tabs or browser windows shown on user’s screen behind currently viewed source websites. The process isautomatic, and the ad format allows advertisers to present more information about the offer, as well as draw attention with creativesolutions.
Pop ups
Pop ups appear on top of the currently viewed website, and the users are automatically exposed to an ad. Pop traffic is fairlycheap, and therefore brings a lot of market insights and optimization intel.
Postback URL
This is the unique URL generated by your Zeropark account. Copy it and paste into your tracker or affiliate network.
Prelanders are displayed before the user reaches the typical landing page. Prelanders prolong the conversion funnel, and are a toolused to create a need for purcharse or service. With a good prelander, marketers can presell the product or service. This way, whena user reaches end-offer, they are more purchase driven.
Premium PPV (Pop Ads)
Pop traffic can assume the form of pop ups and pop unders. Meaning, your destination page will display either as a new window/tab on top of acurrently browsed tab or beneath it. Pop ads are triggered automatically by our publishers’ websites or toolbars/extensionsinstalled by users.
Premium targets
If you decide to run precise Target/Source campaigns in Zeropark, you can upload a list of premium targets for your campaign to buytraffic from. Those premium targets are the ones that usually bring higher than average conversion rates and belong to popular,trusted publishers.
Publisher is the owner of a website that sells ad space to advertisers.
In Zeropark, redirects are the total number of visits to your destination URL resulting from running ads. Industry-wise, the term isalso used for when users and search engines are being forwarded from one wesite to another.
Return of Investment
Primary goal of all advertisers is for their campaigns to bring measurable financial benefts. The financial efficiency of a campaignis represented by the Return of Investment (ROI) value. It showcases how much an advertiser makes or loses on certain campaigns.Positive values mean satisfying returns while negative values mean some losses.
Revenue Per Mille
Approximate earnings for every 1000 impressions an affiliate provides.
Revenue Share
A model where an affiliate is receiving a share of revenue they provide.
Rule-based optimization
It’s a feature that automates the campaign optimization with a set of if/then rules. Whenever your criteria are met, your campaign will immediately take action for you. For instance, if atarget or a source surpasses a certain number of conversions, it can be set to automatically bid up, so you can scale up.
RON campaigns let you buy traffic from all the sources within one GEO (e.g. country), taking into account your targeting settings.
S2S (Postback)
A method of tracking campaigns by sending postbacks from advertiser to affiliate tracking software.
Search Engine Advertising
This is another part of search engine marketing that works together with Search Engine Optimization. Search engine advertising isnot only running paid search ads to take the top spot in Google’s search engine results but also using more niche marketingtechniques and other ad formats provided by the popular search engines, e.g. a banner ad.
Search Engine Optimization
This is another part of search engine marketing that works together with Search Engine Optimization. Search engine advertising isnot only running paid search ads to take the top spot in Google’s search engine results but also using more niche marketingtechniques and other ad formats provided by the popular search engines, e.g. a banner ad.
Selected targets
As with the premium targets, you can load a list of selected targets, which are the websites that currently bring highly convertingtraffic. Selected targets traffic bucket consists of websites with proven performance in the last 7 days. The list is continuallyupdated.
Self-service platform
Self-service platforms allow advertisers to have full control over how their campaigns are being conducted, without any third-partyinterruptions.
Shopper ID
Shopper ID can be added to a tracking URL so that affiliate is able to monitor, which links are producing concersions.
Single Opt In
A single-step conversion.
Sources Daily Budget
A user can limit budget in terms on how much they want to spend on one source.
Sports betting
A vertical where advertisers can offer ads revolving around sports events and a bookmaking possibilities. Although it’s one of theevergreen topics, it converts even better seasonally when major tournaments and events are happening.
Supply-Side Platforms
These are the platforms that sell ad space from offered by sources to advertisers.
With these offers, advertisers try to convince audience to complete the surveys.
Another really popular vertical in affiliate marketing industry. For detailed information about what GEOs are recommended for thisvertical, see Zeropark’s Traffic Insights.
Target Daily Budget
Limit the money you spend daily on each target.
Focusing on the best-converting audience members. With insightful data about the campaign, an affiliate should do whatever is intheir power to narrow down the targeting to maximize the campaign’s efficiency. WithZeropark it is possible to target the campaigns based on GEOs, keywords, sources and targets, device-type, OS and more.
The first phase of conducting a campaign. During testing period an affiliate is able to gather information about what combinationsof variables work best for the campaign. The more insightful testing part, the easier optimization.
Tiers of GEOs
GEOs have been divided into three tiers. Each of those has different characteristics and converts better with other types of campaigns and configurations. Advertisersshould consciously approach targeting different GEOs to utilize those to the maximum. All the advertisers are advised to see TrafficInsights in order to see what verticals are recommended for what GEOs.
Topping-up is transferring money to user’s account.The initial Zeropark top-up has to be of at least $200 and this amount is not refundable. Zeropark users can use PayPal, creditcards or traditional wire transfer to proceed with the top up. Some additional fees may apply, depending on payment operator.
A campaign tracker lets you monitor various aspects of your campaigns, and provides insight so you can easily optimize them for a higher profit.
Traffic Calculator
Zeropark offers a calculator tool which allowsadvertisers to access historical data from previous 30 days that showcases volumes for each advertising format, tagets, GEOs, OS,device etc.
Traffic Insights
Weekly newsletter sent by the Zeropark’s team. It contains the latest industry-oriented news, some valuable advice, bid suggestions as well as verticals and GEOs proposals.
Unique User ID
A parameter in the URL which keeps track of what events are provided by which users.
Unique Visitor
Helps determine which users are one-time visitors, and which are returning.
An offer category, a niche. These are the market branches and advertised product types that help an affiliate determine, how to approach each campaign. Adsfor different verticals will perform better in different settings. Matching a vertical with suitable GEO for the campaign is morethan important to ensure the effectiveness of a campaign.
Virtual Private Server
Another type of landing page hosting.
This status bar shows you how competitive your bid is. To increase your visibility, bid up on your campaigns.
White Hat
Legit marketing.
A set of good sources. Advertisers who like to play it safe can run campaigns only on whitelisted traffic sources to make sure theyhave the best results possible. In Zeropark it is possible to ask support team or Onboarding Managers for whitelists and suggestions for the campaigns to thrive.