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Step 3: View Feeds

In this tab you will find a list of all feeds you have ever created on your account, along with basic statistics on the number of visits sold, revenue generated and average CPM for the last 7 days.

Zeropark Commerce Media allows you to view feeds that you have ever created
I. Creating Feed

In order to create a new one, please contact your account manager or

II. Feed Details And Documentation

The Zeropark Account Manager / Publishers Team is responsible for creating feeds. The number of feeds will be dependent on different placement types, integration types, or other justified reasons. Please consult your Account Manager about creating new feeds, as each integration requires a personalized approach.

General guidelines are:

  • Mainstream and adult traffic needs to be separate.
  • Clear segmentation of Commerce Media based on placement category (e.g. tiles, BNPL, coupon)
  • No mixing of traffic types. Pop, Domain, and other formats cannot be sent to Commerce Media feeds.

Below, you can find available options with the descriptions of parameters. It is recommended to discuss the setup beforehand as doing it right from the start will enable the best performance optimization possibilities.

Pop/Domain Direct URL

Request parameterDescription
feedid *Feed: unique ID assigned by Zeropark
domain *URL of the site the visitor was generated
cpmMin price for which you’re willing to sell the traffic. Amount in $ for 1000 visits
fallbackUrlURL where any unsold visitor will be sent. Should start with http:// or https://. It’s possible to use: {domain}, {domainid}, {keywords} tokens within URL. These tokens will pass back the values from the original request
keywordssending multiple keywords, they should be separated by commas
deviceidMobile device id: IDFA, ADID, Android ID or WAID, if available
Pop/Domain Zeroclick (XML/JSON)

Request parameterDescription
responseformatDefault setting is XML. JSON has to be specified responseformat=json
feedid *Feed unique ID assigned by Zeropark
ip *Visitor’s IP(v4) address in the dotted format
useragent *The URL encoded User Agent string sent by the visitor’s browser
domain *URL of the site the visitor was generated
domainid/domainIdID of the site / publisher where the visitor was generated. Domainid is not required if the domain parameter is provided, but both are recommendedID of the site / publisher where the visitor was generated. Domainid is not required if the domain parameter is provided, but both are recommended
pubidId of the external publisher who generated the user
deviceid/deviceIdMobile device id: IDFA, ADID, Android ID or WAID, if available
keywordsKeywords associated with the visited domain or site that generated the pop. If sending multiple keywords, they should be comma separated
fallbackurl/passbackURL where any invalidated visitor will be sent. Should start with http:// or https://. It’s possible to use: {domain}, {domainid}, {keywords} tokens within URL. These tokens will pass back the values from the original request
ref/referer/referrerThe address of the webpage from which a user is redirected
forwardedip/proxyipUser’s X-Forwarded-For HTTP header value, whenever available
securetrue/false - secure flag set to true enforces https protocol in all URLs and limits campaigns to ones that provide valid HTTPS redirection
Pop/Domain Zeroclick (OpenRTB)

Request parameterDescription
feedid *Feed unique ID assigned by Zeropark
site.domainURL of the site the visitor was generated
site.idID of the site where the user was generated. is not required if the site.domain parameter is provided, but both are recommended *The URL-encoded User Agent string sent by the visitor’s browser
device.ip *Visitor’s IP(v4) address in the dotted format
id *RTB request id to be passed back in response *Impression id to be passed back in response

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