Monitoring Campaigns
Monitoring your Zeropark campaigns is easy and effective. Once you create it, it will appear in your self-serve dashboard together with an overview of all your campaigns.
To see details of a specific campaign, just click the campaign name.

Zeropark’s intuitive interface allows you to find a score of important data about your campaigns with a quick glance.
You can individually label every campaign in the Zeropark dashboard for better visibility and management. Labels are customizable and up to your preference. Feel free to use the campaign filtering feature in the Campaigns overview of your Dashboard - we have enabled and/or rule that enables you to create endless configurations of filtering your campaign by custom labels.

The data presented include:
- Campaign name: Click to access the campaign details.
- Type: The type of campaign run.
- GEO: Country or countries your campaign targets.
- Redirects: The amount of traffic that a given campaign received.
- Conv: The number of conversions for a given campaign.
- Spend: The amount you spend on traffic for a given campaign.
- Payout: The amount of payout that has been attributed to conversions.
- ROI: Return on campaign investment.
- eCPA: The effective cost per action.
- Budgets: Your daily and total campaign budget.
- Bid: How much CPC you are bidding on the campaign?
- Win ratio: Indicates the competitiveness of your bid against the competition. The ratio is based on data for a selected time period, max. 7 days.
- Status: It presents the status of your campaign.
- Actions: Allow you to access all actionable options for the campaign. (Show details, pause, delete edit)
Target Charts
Access detailed target-level metrics and data visualization charts in the Targets tab of the campaign dashboard window.
Simply click the ‘Charts’ button and discover:
- Conversions
- Profit
- Bids
- Bought and sold audiences
- Win ratio
- Average cost
Use the Target Charts feature to control your campaigns on a granular level, optimize them, and discover how exactly all your previous actions have influenced the performance. The new window also allows you to adjust the bid and activate/pause it for maximum efficiency in the Zeropark panel.