Rule-Based Optimisation
Rule-Based Optimization enables your campaigns to self-optimize effectively, according to the rules you set. This ensures that your campaigns run well and you spend your money only on the traffic that converts. The feature is only available for users who have set up conversion tracking.
The following article describes how to create rules automatically and manually.
How Does It Work?
The Rule-Based Optimization feature is constructed in a way that resembles standard IF-THEN logical statements, so they are easy to understand. The structure for a rule is as follows:
IF a condition is met FOR the selected criterion WITHIN a given time frame, THEN perform a certain action.
You can create more than one rule. The system will follow each rule in order from the first to the last one.
The rules are checked every 5 minutes, so if the campaign is buying traffic too fast, we may be unable to complete the desired action. For example, the algorithm may not have enough time to pause certain targets or sources as ordered by the rule. Especially if specified values are close to the limit, some problems with pausing may occur.
Automatic Rule Creation
The new look of the Rule-Based Optimization feature allows you to create the 3 most popular rule types with a simple click. In order to do so, perform the following steps:
- In Zeropark, go to the campaign details view.
- In the Rule-Based Optimization section, click the Optimization rule set button.
- Provide your payout (eCPA) value.
- Click the
- Confirm the dialog box by clicking the Ok button.
Zeropark will create three rules.
Manual Rule Creation
If you prefer to create optimization rules manually, you can do so by following the steps below:
- In Zeropark, go to the campaign details view.
- In the Rule-Based Optimization section, click the New rule button.
- Set the following options for a rule condition (IF):
- Condition item: Target, Source, Campaign
- Condition value: a numerical value
- Condition metric: Spend, Visits
- Set the following options for a rule criterion (FOR):
- Criterion item: ROI, Conversion, eCPA, CR
- Criterion formula: lower, greater
- Criterion value: a numerical value
- Set a rule time frame (WITHIN): last hour, last 24 hours, last 7 days, custom.
- Set a rule action (THEN): Pause, Bid up, Bid down.
- Click the
Zeropark will create a rule.