Commerce Media RTB integration (XML, JSON, Open RTB)
The Programmatic RTB (Zeroclick) integration:
- Feed Language: XML, JSON, OpenRTB
- Bid Format: CPC
- Auction: Internal, External
[domain] | URL | URL of the site where the user was generated. The domain is not required if the domainid parameter is provided. |
[domainid] | External Publisher ID /App ID / Site ID | ID of the site where the user was generated. Domainid is not required if the domain parameter is provided. |
[brand] | Brand URL | i.e.: |
[ip] | IP | IP visitor’s IP(v4) address in the dotted format to determine geolocation. |
[useragent] | UA | Visitor’s device specification (browser, OS, etc.) for device targeting. |
[responseformat] | XML/JSON | The publisher sets the response format. |
[feedid] | Feed ID | Zeropark’s unique ID assigned to the feed/ad tag. |
[url]* | Product URL | *Used when integrating Deeplink. Product URL information usually consists of the website's domain name followed by a unique product identifier, such as a product code or name. This must be instead of |
[originurl] | URL | Source of generating the click, i.e. the referrer |
[secure] | true/false | Secure flag set to true enforces HTTPS protocol in all URLs and limits campaigns to ones that provide valid HTTPS redirection. |
[pubid] | External Publisher ID /App ID / Site ID | ID of the external publisher (source) which generated the user. |
[pubclassifications] | i.e. tiles, coupon | The information sent under this parameter helps to divide different placement categories in our system. Value mapping along with a list of categories available in Zeropark is necessary. |
XML Request Example:<feedid>&useragent=<useragent>&ip=<ip>&responseformat=XML&domain=<domain>&secure=true&brand=<brand>
JSON Request Example:<feedid>&useragent=<useragent>&ip=<ip>&responseformat=JSON&domain=<domain>&secure=true&brand=<brand>