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Step 5: Check Reports

In addition to the dashboard statistics overview, you can download or generate specific reports using the Reports tab.

1. Custom Reports

You can create and download custom reports. To do so, click the Create new button and select the report type you want.

  1. Select the report type. You can select between the following types.
    • By Browser
    • By Country
    • By Desktop OS
    • By Device
    • By Feed
    • By Keyword
    • By Mobile OS
    • Feed by Brand
    • Feed by Brand and Country
    • Feed by Browser
    • Feed by Country
    • Feed by Desktop OS
    • Feed by Mobile OS
    • Feed by Target
  2. Select the feed.
  3. Provide a name for your report.
  4. Select the report's time range.
  5. Click the Export button.You should remember that reports are displayed for your selected time range only. If you want to view an older report you generated in the past, change the time range to the period in which you created the report.
See all the reports that you have created in Zeropark Commerce Media
II. Daily Reports

Zeropark also offers a publisher stats API that allows you to remotely extract statistics via our daily updated API. If you need API access, please contact your Account Manager or Zeropark Publishers Team. All generated reports can be also accessed from the panel as ‘Daily’ reports.

Create and download reports in Zeropark Commerce Media

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