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Optimizing Sources and Targets

Source data allows advertisers to measure their campaign performance on a broader level than target data. Every source is composed of multiple targets: some sources have just one, other have thousands. To track campaign performance on the source level, use the {source} token.

The Sources tab shows data for all targets that fall under that source and is available in the Campaign Details section:

Pausing Sources or Targets

Pausing a given source excludes all targets that fall under that source from a given campaign. Pausing a single target stops only that target. The paused targets will appear with the Paused status.

Custom Bids per Source or Target

The key point of any optimization is rearranging your money flow from non-profitable to profitable placements. You can set a custom bid for any source/target in your campaign.

Setting a custom bid on a given source or target will allow you to:

  • Receive more traffic from the source/target, if you raise the bid.
  • Lower the volume of traffic from the source/target, if you lower the bid.

Hence, you have three options for source-level optimization:

  • If there's high ROI on a given source, increase your bid to get even more traffic.
  • If there's low ROI on a given source, lower the bid to get less of such traffic.
  • If a given placement does not perform at all, just pause it.

Modifying the Bid

To set a custom value for the bid, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Targets or Sources tab.
  2. Select the Source or Target you'd like to set the custom bid for by ticking the checkbox on the left.
  3. Next click on the Bulk actions button and choose the Edit bid option.
  4. Enter desired values.

    If you set a custom bid for:a target, it will override both source and campaign bids.a source, it will override the default campaign bid.

Setting a Custom Bid on Sources in Bulk

You can also change custom bids using a bulk action:

Keep in mind that custom bids set at the target level will take precedence over your source bids. As a result, your custom source bids will never override your custom target bids.

  1. Go to the Targets or Sources tab.
  2. Insert the names of desired Targets our Sources into the search field.
  3. When your search results are displayed, choose the Bulk actions (searched) option.
  4. Select the Edit bid option.
  5. Provide the bid value and confirm your choices.

Filtering Targets by the Source

You can check which targets belong to the particular source by hovering over the source name and clicking the Targets button – it will take you to the list of targets with their statistics within your campaign.

Source/Target Budget Capping

Source/Target Daily Budget allows you to set a maximum daily spend cap on each Source/Target your campaign receives traffic from. Setting this up means that your campaigns will be able to run without the need for constant monitoring or without the worry about sources or targets spending too much.

The Source/Target Daily Budget feature works best for high volume RON campaigns where quick optimization is needed. You can also use it to prevent any anomalies affecting your campaign, such as spikes in traffic volume.

Pop and domain campaigns allow setting both daily source and daily target budget caps. The minimum amount is $1.Domain campaigns allow both daily source and daily target budget caps. The minimum amount is $1.Commerce Media campaigns allow both daily source and daily target budget caps. The minimum amount is $20 for the daily source budget and $1 for the daily target budget.

To turn the Source Daily Budget feature on, just follow these simple steps:

  1. In Zeropark dashboard, go to the campaign view and go to the Budget daily budget section.
  2. Select the Custom option for Targets and/or Sources. In the following example, we set custom budget for sources.
  3. Enter the source budget into the field. It can be adjusted at any time.

Once the cap is reached, the given source will stop spending and will enter a Source/Target over budget state. This allows you to review the source performance and decide whether it should be paused or not. If you don’t take any action, the source will start to spend again the next day.

When noticed that one or a few sources/targets are profitable enough that you want to spend more than the limit you set, you can select the Disable daily budget option next to the Over budget button for a given source/target. This allows you to carry on spending for that source/target, even though the daily budget cap has been reached.

You can remove the budget cap for individual sources if you don’t want to limit spending on them. Simply press the icon next to the appropriate source.

Once the budget cap is taken off, the icon dissappears.

Target Charts

Access detailed target-level metrics and data visualization charts in the Targets tab of the campaign dashboard window.

Simply click the ‘Charts’ button and discover:

  • Budget spent
  • Payout
  • Conversions
  • Profit
  • Bids
  • Bought and sold audiences
  • Win ratio
  • Average cost

Use the Target Charts feature to control your campaigns on a granular level, optimize them, and discover how exactly all your previous actions have influenced the performance. The new window also allows you to adjust the bid and activate/pause it for maximum efficiency in Zeropark panel.

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