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Desktop Targeting

If you don’t wish to buy traffic from all available desktop browsers, or your offer has strict regulations, the desktop targeting options can help you optimize towards the desired quotas.

This tool allows to fine-tune campaigns and cut down on ad spend by limiting traffic from unwanted desktop sources, for example by focusing on the newer operating systems only and excluding older versions.

There are two ways you can optimize with desktop targeting options:

  • By operating systems and their versions.
  • By browsers.

Optimization by desktop operating systems

  1. Go to the campaign’s view by either:
    1. Editing the existing campaign by clicking the Edit button in the campaign’s Dashboard. You’ll be then taken to the campaign creation form of the edited campaign.
      Edit existing campaign and optimize your campaigns by adding/editing desktop targeting
    2. Creating a new campaign and following the regular steps in the campaign’s creation process.
  2. Go to the Targeting section, check the Desktop option, and click on All operating systems.
    Use targeting section of campaign creation form to specify your desktop targeting preferences
  3. There you’re able to include/exclude desired operating systems and their versions.
    Choose operating system that you want your campaigns to target

Optimization by desktop browsers

  1. Go to the campaign’s view by either:
    1. Editing the existing campaign by clicking the Edit button in the campaign’s Dashboard. You’ll be then taken to the campaign creation form of the edited campaign.
      Edit existing campaigns and optimize your campaigns by adding/editing desktop targeting
    2. Creating a new campaign and following the regular steps in the campaign’s creation process.
  2. Go to the Targeting section, check the Desktop option and click on All browsers.
    Use targeting section of campaign creation form to specify your desktop targeting preferences
  3. There you’re able to include/exclude desired browsers.
    choose browsers that you want to target with your zeropark commerce media campaigns

Keep in mind that the narrower your targeting is, the higher the traffic cost, and the lower the volumes of traffic available. Don’t forget to revise your bidding strategy and if you’re not cutting down on traffic just a bit too much.

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